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Bored at work, guard vandalises Dh3m painting 

A security guard was so bored on his first day at work that he decided to deliberately damage and destroy a valuable modern art painting called ‘Three Figures’, which is worth approximately Dh3 million. 

He used a ball point pen on the faces of two of the three figures in the painting during an exhibition known as ‘The World as Non-Objectivity. The birth of a new art’.

Anna Leporskaya, the painter, made the piece, at the Yeltsin Centre, located in the city of Yaketerinburg, in west-central Russia. 

She was a student of  Russian avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich, and is now having the  painting (1932-1934) reworked on by experts with the aim to restore it to its former glory.

She is known primarily as the master of artistic porcelain. Her works are also represented in the Russian Musuem. 

After the incident, police opened an investigation for vandalism, which comes with a RUB-40,000 (Dh1,973) fine and a one-year correctional labour sentence.

The damage to the painting has been estimated at Dh12,500.

The real worth of the painting still remains a mystery, but it was insured with the Alfa insurance company for Dh3 million. 

According to reports,  the company is paying to restore the painting

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