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13 Mar, Thursday
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Dubai Police surprise tourist with lost money after returning to Bulgaria

Dubai Police have recently returned a money purse containing $9,150 and some important documents to a European tourist who had lost her valuables while travelling via Dubai International Airport.
According to Brigadier Hamouda Belsuwaida Al Ameri, Acting Director of the General Department of Airports Security, the Bulgarian tourist lost her purse while travelling back to Bulgaria via DXB.
“Once we found the purse, we immediately verified the owner’s identity who had already left the country,” “Nevertheless, our officers contacted her and sent her the purse and cash after taking the necessary legal measures,” Brig. Al Ameri said.
Brig. Al Ameri emphasised that the Dubai Police is keen to restore rights to their owners and exert all efforts to ensure the happiness of the emirate’s visitors, residents and citizens.

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