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2 celestial events to light up UAE skies this week

Keep your eyes on the skies !

Two major celestial events are all set to brighten UAE skies on August 11 and 12. When the highly anticipated annual Perseid meteor shower approaches its peak, 2022’s fourth and final supermoon will shine in all its glory as well.

According to the Dubai Astronomy Group, Perseid meteor shower is one of the highlights of many “meteor hunters’ calendars due to its high hourly rate and bright meteors”. It is caused by the Earth slamming into the debris left behind by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle in July and August every year. It is called the Perseids because the meteors seem to originate from the constellataion of Perseus. A supermoon is a full moon or new moon that nearly coincides with perigee – the term is used to describe the point at which the moon’s orbit gets the closest to earth. It results in a larger than usual size of the lunar disk. Experts say that this supermoon clashes with the Perseids Meteor Shower – one of the much-awaited meteor showers of the year.

 group is also hosting a special paid event on August 12 at the top of the highest peak in the UAE, the Jebel Jais.

Tickets to the event will cost you Dh150 for children under the age of 13 and Dh200 for adults. Transportation is available at an additional cost.
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