Dubai restaurants needn’t screen off daytime dining areas this Ramadan

This Ramadan, Dubai restaurants are not required to put up screens or curtains during daytime dining, according to a statement from Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET).
In previous years, dining outlets were required to shield themselves from public view during fasting hours.
“Restaurants in the emirate [Dubai] can choose whether or not to place curtains to cover their facades for serving food during fasting hours in line with last year’s guidelines.”
The DET statement also said that restaurants can continue service as usual. “All F&B venues can serve food and drinks in line with the approved working hours without applying for a pre-authorisation or a permit.”
Over the years, the UAE has eased the restrictions on Ramadan rules. This year, restaurants are able to continue food and drinks service as usual, and bars and nightlife venues will also remain open. However, it’s expected that there will be no live music or entertainment, with only background music allowed.
Excited about the auspicious month of Ramadan?