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08 Sep, Sunday
° C
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UAE Weather Alert: Humidity Peaks at 90 percent as Temperatures Climb to 48℃

As the UAE braces for an intense weather spell, residents are preparing for a significant shift in their daily routines. With humidity levels soaring to a staggering 90 per cent and temperatures reaching an unrelenting 48 degrees, the coming days are set to test the limits of endurance for many.

The UAE’s summer climate is renowned for its extreme conditions, but this latest forecast is pushing the boundaries of comfort. The soaring temperatures, driven by a relentless sun, are expected to make outdoor activities challenging. The combination of high temperatures and extreme humidity creates a stifling environment, increasing the risk of heat-related ailments and making it crucial for individuals to stay hydrated and cool.

Humidity, often described as the amount of moisture in the air, can significantly amplify the discomfort of high temperatures. At 90 per cent, the air feels saturated, making it harder for sweat to evaporate and cool the body. This leads to an increased perception of heat, where even the slightest physical activity can become exhausting. Residents are advised to take precautions, including avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, wearing lightweight and breathable clothing, and keeping well-hydrated.

In response to these challenging conditions, the UAE’s infrastructure and emergency services are gearing up to provide additional support. Cooling centres and shaded areas are being set up in public spaces, and health advisories are being issued to guide residents on how to handle the extreme weather.

For those working outdoors or commuting during peak heat hours, taking frequent breaks and staying in shaded or air-conditioned environments is essential. Businesses are encouraged to adjust work hours where possible to minimise the impact on employees, and parents should ensure that children are kept cool and well-hydrated.

While the heatwave presents its challenges, it also serves as a reminder of the UAE’s resilience and adaptability. The nation’s ability to handle extreme weather conditions is a testament to its robust infrastructure and community spirit.

As the UAE endures this intense period, the focus remains on staying safe and making the best of the situation. Whether it’s adapting daily routines or finding innovative ways to stay cool, the key is to remain prepared and resilient in the face of nature’s extremes.

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