New Year, New Me was taken a little seriously this time around because against all reason and rationality, we found ourselves waking up on this particular Friday and not smashing the snooze button on our alarms. We watched as we transformed into functioning humans of this society and trudged to our workplaces criminally early for a Friday.
It’s the first working Friday of the year and we’re going to bring to you the voice of Dubai as it gets up and gets going today!
Stay tuned for our live updates!
New Friday drill
Manaal Fatimah – 01.01.2022 | 9 AM
Who would have thought we’d witness the shining towers of Business Bay instead of the other side of our bed this morning.
Didn’t see that one coming.

The pulse of the people

“I think it is going to take a while to adjust to the fact that we have to be on our laptops drafting work mails when just last weekend we put on the ‘away’ status and remained logged out of our systems,” said Swathi Gopal, an 23-year-old HR executive and resident of Dubai. “It’s like adjusting to writing the new year in the right column. Afterall, it was TGIF for a reason!”
Hitesh Lulla a 22-year-old junior auditor, misses his morning tea in bed.
“For a good part of my life, Friday mornings were spent in bed sipping chai ,” he said. “Today I’m on my way to work while my friends are asleep comfortably.”

It’s looking like Friday circa 2021 on MBZ Road
Manaal Fatimah – 01.01.2022 | 11.10 AM
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road this morning reminds us of Fridays of yesteryear.
Busy afternoon in Al Fahidi
Manaal Fatimah – 01.01.2022 | 12.50 AM
Big, yellow school buses on the streets and hurrying commuters going about their business in the Al Fahidi area of Dubai.

The pulse of the people
Mid-day slump scenes
Manaal Fatimah – 01.01.2022 | 2.30 PM
The morning momentum is slowing down as people start filing out to take a break.
We may be spending more time in the elevator than in the office.
The pulse of the people
Mr. Ahmad Elzain, a Senior Service Operations Manager at Emaratech said he was mentally prepared for the day.
“it was a normal day for me. But the best part is Sunday being a holiday as I can talk to my family and friends.”
On the other hand, a resident, who wished to remain anonymous, does not share the same sentiments.
“Fridays are not for work,” they said. “Fridays are for long naps and family lunch. But it was just four hours so I was able to manage.”
People are making plans after their working hours so they don’t miss the Friday family vibe.