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5 new UAE laws you should be aware of

The UAE is changing and it is changing at an amazing pace – taking everything in its stride. Of late, the country has rolled out a raft of new rules that are essential for you to know. We are listing 5 of them:

Labour laws

Fridays are no more the same again! A new amendment in labour law has seen the UAE transitioning into a four-and-half-day working week – with half-day work on Fridays and off on Saturdays and Sundays. Private sector employees can now opt for temporary and flexible work, condensed working hours, and freelancing. 

Bounced cheques

If your cheque was dishonoured, it tantamounted to crime and you could be put behind bars. That’s history now. On November 2 last year, the bouncing of cheques was decriminalized, except for those related to fraud. And the good part is that the parties can now go in for an out-of-court settlement. That’s called a win-win situation!

Extra-marital relations

Any relationship outside marriage was sure to raise hackles sometime back. It was a ‘huge’ offence in the UAE. Things changed on November 28 last year when a new law allowed unmarried couples to conceive a child even if they were not married. The only condition put on the couples was that they should acknowledge their kid and take care of the child. They will have to provide identification papers and travel documents in accordance with the laws of their home country. If they fail to do so, a criminal case will be initiated.

Cyber security

The UAE added a new dimension to cyber security when it issued a fresh law to tackle bogus advertising or promos, unauthorized cryptocurrency trading, and dealings in medical products. The courts have been given wide powers to seize devices, software, and content used in carrying out any cybercrime.

Drug offences

The demon of drugs has spread its tentacles everywhere – UAE isn’t untouched! The amendments to the anti-narcotics law came into force recently. They go soft on first-time drug offenders and ease sentences for them, with minimum jail time reduced from two years to three months. The first-timers will be offered a chance to visit rehab and education centres – you can always treat them, rather than punishing them with imprisonment! That’s the message.

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